NOV 08 - 19 6/F, K11 Musea
Consider a future in which a cohesive team of robots collaborates seamlessly and simultaneously. With R2C2's ARC (Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Collaborative) System, this vision becomes a reality.

Witness how this game-changing technology transforms industries and changes the way we work. A group of collaborative robots redefines the possibilities, from taking over dangerous and repetitive tasks to handling power-intensive jobs. Join us at R2C2's exhibition booth, where they will showcase the future of robotics and collaboration.

About R2C2
The pioneer in robot automation and collaboration platform

R2C2 connects all robots and provides them with complete autonomy. While a group of robots from various manufacturers seamlessly carry out inspection and security patrols, individuals' safety is ensured, and they are freed up to focus on more critical tasks. Robot collaboration has become increasingly prevalent, and its applications are expanding across various industries, such as engineering, construction, public transportation, smart cities, and many other fields.